The only domain extension I ever used is .com. Of course, I prefer it over the other top level domains. But if I don't have a choice, I'll get .net.
I have never bought a country-specific domain from my country because it's too expensive. I'd love to have the ccTLD of Congo though. I checked and it's around $65.
What are the domain extensions that you're using?
theres alot of variables that I take into consideration before deciding. If its a brand new website, and has no affilation to any other website of mine, I try and use a .com.
My knowledge of the .org was for non-profit organizations. So I would think that the .com domain would be preferable to that.
I too prefer .org for non profit type websites. I prefer to buy both the .com and .net whenever possible. That way, if the site takes off, I don't have any squatters to deal with later.
Well I always prefer .com extension for my website. If it is not possible than I go with .org because it looks better.

Well my first choice would be .com. Then after that I would want .org website. People use both of them all the time.
I would also prefer .com and I like the idea of buying up the .net as well, but I haven't ever put any of this into practice yet. I've never bought a domain name, since my only site is a "" address, but if I ever start another one, that's definitely what I'll do.
The .com is easily remembered and typed in by people. That is the first thing needed for a domain. It has to be remembered. Because most of us tend to forget things quickly.
Being in Germany, with the website that we were working on, we bought .com and .de, simply because here is the most popular. As a matter of fact, the .com is not too popular in Germany, since people look for the site in german, so they look for .de.
My employers at the telecommunication company are German. The wife was born in Czech republic and her husband was born in Germany. They had children in Germany, but now they live here in the U.S. It's good to know about the .com.