WoW this domain name is one of those premium domains that are only one of a kind! Cable Television gets around 16,000 OVT Searches per month!
I am willing to make a deal on this Premium Domain.
Please send my your offers either in this thread, by PM or email me here: earleaf [AT] gmail [DOT COM].
All the best and I hope to sell this domain real soon
Not trying to sidetrack your sale, but how do 16,000 overture searches translate to the .mobi domain? Being so new is the number of searches for cabletelevision relevant, or do you mean just as cable television for keywords for the site.
Excuse my ignorance.
triumph Wrote:Not trying to sidetrack your sale, but how do 16,000 overture searches translate to the .mobi domain? Being so new is the number of searches for cabletelevision relevant, or do you mean just as cable television for keywords for the site.
Excuse my ignorance.
No your not being ignorant :p
Indeed the the search is for "Cable Television"
All the best

Yes The cable network is enlargind each day