Does using a hyphen in a domain matter? I am planning to purchase this domain name but unfortunately, it is not available at all. i am planning to put a hyphen on instead. What do you think guys?
It depends why you are purchasing it.
If the domain is keyword rich for SEO, the hyphen might even help. If you're branding, then it's generally a bad thing to have a hyphen in it.
It definitely decreases its value if you are attempting to resell these domains. It all depends on its use, for SEO its not a big problem, but it does affect its resale value.
DomainAuctionsScript Wrote:It definitely decreases its value if you are attempting to resell these domains. It all depends on its use, for SEO its not a big problem, but it does affect its resale value.
I am planning to start a beauty site. But of course, all the basic keywords with good daily searches are taken.
Thanks for the answers guys.
Yeah it may decrease it value but if you really want a specific domain on a certain extension then you can always use special characters. I don't think it will affect your SEO benefits.
That is exactly my point. I really want this keyword but it is not available. So I am planning to put a hyphen instead.