What do you think PPVGeneral.info could go for? I have a whole homepage set-up for the forums, 4500+ posts and 180 or something + members, a productions company I made with the name on it, and a Google PR of 3 for the forums. Just wanted to know! Thanks!

I don't know if the name has much value. Info domains are not worth much right now. Not sure that ppvgeneral has much value either. Sounds like you could have some potential value with the forums, even with that subscriber count. If the forums are active, I think you could get $xxx from someone who runs forums in the same niche.
How about to try DP for this purpose. triumph is right you can't get better price with .info site, better to seek for .com site and park in with this one, maybe it can help you find good sale value.
Hi thoma,
I was trying to purchase a domain with developed forum somewhere early this year. It has about 250+ members with nearly 5k of post. The forum is paid to post type of forum, and it is a PR3 .com domain. Nevertheless, I didn't make the move as it could not really match into my targeted segment. The price was about $200+ .
Nevertheless, as pointed by triumph, if there is a buyer looking into your niche, you could really fetch a good price for your forum. There are people who are constantly look for opportunity to expand their network even though it is a .info domain as long it fits into their segment.
Good luck.
I don't know if this will be much help because I'm speaking as a surfer rather than a domain expert, Thoma. I thought PPVGeneral was some trendy idea I didn't know anything about, so I checked out your site. Now I know what it stands for but, unless I'm missing something (and I very well could be) I don't see that it's valuable in and of itself.
I loved your forum. Cool skin, lots of topics, easy to navigate. My pet peeve is forums that don't look like forums. If I have to spend more than a minute or two finding the posts, I don't stay. Yours is put together nicely.