I knwo some of you may consider this trade secret, so don't say where if you don't want to, but what kinds of stuff do you read to identify trends that may lead to hot domain names?
I would say the whole "free" stuff, which is everything but free. I should do something like "refer 5 people and get a free cow shipped at your doors the next day!"

Slashmire Wrote:I should do something like "refer 5 people and get a free cow shipped at your doors the next day!" 

Just got to keep you ear on pop culture. It is pretty easy to spot the next big trends. You will miss sometimes when things don't pan out, but if you hit 50% of the time you will do very well.
I agree, you've got be on top of things. As soon as, it hits you'll have to be ready there or you lose your place. Trends can and go like the wind.
Slashmire Wrote:I would say the whole "free" stuff, which is everything but free. I should do something like "refer 5 people and get a free cow shipped at your doors the next day!" 
lol. I think that's one of those trends that's mostly run it's course by now. That's actually a great example of what other folks were saying about how quickly a trend balloons, then passes when the next big thing comes along.
I guess at times tracking offline stuff helps to get at what would be trendy next. Like for e.g something which is in the news and would have some impact in the long run.
Hey! Bell bottoms came back.....man I didnt see that one coming.