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Please appraise with website. It makes about $1to $2 per day with AdSense.
Can you post some statistics?
How much visitors and siteloadings daily?

Kralle123 Wrote:Can you post some statistics?
How much visitors and siteloadings daily?

Thanks stats attached
First of all, a great looking site! 2 1/2 years old, Page Rank 1, and over 5k links...not bad at all. Not sure how you are building links, but be careful of building too quick. Alexa rank of over 4 mil is the only thing that I can see that needs improved upon. As your links age, hopefully your traffic will as well.
Based on a few tools that I have, $3,000.00 would not be a bad price for this gem. Of course, you would have to find the right buyer :-)
Good luck.
This would be a site that would be worth having an appraisal made before marketing it.
very good a domain name.
between $50-250
try the free sedo price apprisal