Greetings! I joined Domain Social last night after discovering the site through Erik Vossman's blog ( Wish I had dialed into domaining back in the mid 90's, but I still see huge upside to this field and look forward to contributing as well as learning how to monetize domain names. I look forward to hearing from you.
hello there. i am new to this forum hope u guys are having great time
Welcome!hope you like your stay
Hello Pieris, like you I have a genuine interest in learning all I can about domains and how can I sell them properly.
Unfortunately, we move into this business of domains without all the necessary information and preparation. Phorums like this could be an extraordinary tool for domainers if people were willing to share their "little secrets". Well, in reality, if we have good domains all we need is patience; the opportunity can come at any moment.
My best wishes, Pieris,
Juan Bielsa
Welcome to the club! I'm also a newbie here
hi i'm new too. nice to meet you.