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There is a forum that is very related to my blog and there I post and have a link on my signature. And they are my most faithful visitors. Everywhere I have a sig sooner or later they come by my blog. So I'm sure it increases PR.
Forum sigs are great when they're allowed. I always think that posting in your interested area both keeps you up to date on your topic, allows for social networking and can also increase traffic and PR. It's really a great idea for anyone who takes their work seriously enough to put the time in.
This is very interesting. I think that allowing members to post a signature makes them more social in a way.

I suspected that it was a good idea, but I've learned more from this thread than from anywhere else about the basics of it.
The only problem I see, is that with the wanted traffic, you also get spammers! On my blog I had to set it up so no anonymous posting can be done. I like it better that way, and it keeps the quality of the blog high.
It's true that so many spammers can become attracted to forums where signature linking is allowed. The best idea I've heard of to combat this is to not allow for sig-linking until a certain number of posts are made, giving the admins time to find spammers and ban them before they try to attract attention.
I don't know about page rank itself, but having links in your sig can be great to produce a bit of traffic. I'm on one forum that regularly sends a few dozen new people weekly and it's brought me several regulars, without hardly any effort at all!
berlinlife06 Wrote:The only problem I see, is that with the wanted traffic, you also get spammers! On my blog I had to set it up so no anonymous posting can be done. I like it better that way, and it keeps the quality of the blog high.

I agree with your policy.

When your blog is in its infancy, though, it helps to welcome as many comments as you can stomach. I just have comments held until I can approve them.

It is aggravating to read some of the piffle people try to pass off as a decent comment, but in the long run I have found the process effective.
Many of my friends comment as Anonymous and just sign their names at the bottom so I'm always wary about blocking all anonymous commenting. The hold is the best option but it is aggravating to sort through spam and garbage-type comments to get to the legitimate ones.
I missed the comments about spam previously....

And I think that greatly depends on the forums. Personally, I've never had to deal with getting spam because of forum links. I'm also careful about the places I choose to link on, though, and don't just throw it anywhere. Some places are more susceptible to bots/spammers, so I try to avoid it as much as possible and haven't had any issues.
I've never had problems with spam on my blogs. I do hope Triumph gets back to us about how adding links to old forum posts works out! That will be very interesting. I also, just thought of the links for traffic not PR until I read this thread. Makes sense though. Anyone want to buy my sig space? What a cool idea!
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