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they went to a third-tier city and opened a floor store.decking winter shrinks back As long as the rent is only 20 or 30 yuan per square meter, the light rent will save at least 300,000 yuan." Mr. said. Floor distributors are in urgent need of manufacturers to “help” In the three of the food chain of the floor: stores, manufacturers and distributors, the risk is high, the first attack and the weakest anti-risk ability is definitely the dealer.composite doors paint stripping Among the hundreds of floor
distributors in Nanjing, this year has not been too tired.oak composite decking static electricity In Nanjing, there are still more than 4 stores. Shanghai Cao Youbao, general manager of WorldFriends Floor, may be one of them. He summed up the reasons for this and believed that it was mainly supported by veranda composite deck board Cao Youbao said that under such an unusually cold background this year, there are no incentives to engage in activities that basically do not attract people.
There are advertising costs, promotion costs, gifts on the gifts,plastic floor tiles kitchen design manpower costs, and so on. "Every year we engage in every promotional event, the Worldfriends flooring manufacturers will basically give support, such as a promotional event with a cost of 100,000 yuan,build arbor on existing deck idea the manufacturer subsidies 50,000 yuan, and the dealers themselves bear 50,000 yuan, even if this event The income is only 70,000 yuan, not even the cost will be paid