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Full Version: VPS host with unique features?
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Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a long term VPS host that's reliable and has a great customer support.
By great customer support I mean getting a response within a few hours not waiting days to hear back.
Below are minimum specs I will need for my projects although they can be altered but I think these are good starters.
30 gb+ SSD, 2 TB+ bandwidth, 6 gb Ram, 2+ IP addresses
OS: not sure what is best to be honest
Do you know anything about vps hosting?
Any recommendations of any kinds are very welcome.
Thank you all in advance
VPS accounts from and are the best to sign up with.
Good hosting companies provide good servers at inexpensive prices, and I am satisfied. The design of their websites is really simple, and you can use it without any problems, it's easy enough to pay for it, nothing prevents me from doing it.