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Full Version: Cheap VPS for DNS needed with crypto payment option
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Could someone offer rather cheap VPS for DNS with the option of paying with crypto currency? I need at least 2 different geo locations.
$20/month - 4 vCPU Cores, 8 GB RAM, 200 GB SSD
What are your views on vps solutions? Are they reliable?
Do you know any good vps offer?
I am fully-satisfied using cheap vps - you get plenty options, plenty of space and usage and at a great value.
You can try this plan: NVMeVPS32 - Starting at $120/mo - CPU 8хE5-2680, RAM 32GB, SSD 250GB, Bandwidth 10TB per Month, Locations USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland.
I can say that is trustworthy web host. Their OpenVZ VPS comes with complete root control and SSH access. Starting at €4.59/mo. A DDoS attack starts in different ways — it may overload the bandwidth, or overwhelm the system resources. The network becomes overloaded, and the server is then unable to process legitimate packets among the mass of incoming data.
I've used a lot of hosts since the early '2000's and I can say, without a doubt, that is the best host I've ever had the pleasure of working with.
The reliability is stellar, the machines aren't cramped with as many clients as possible, and the performance is top-notch.