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Full Version: Good vps is needed. Location prefer US or EU, KVM.
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I'm looking vps with yearly payment $70. Max is $80. Location prefer US or EU, KVM.
Bandwidth at least 1TB. SSD - 50 gbs, 4 gbs RAM.
What are your views on vps hosting solutions? Can I rely on Them? Any reviews?
VPS plans from and are worth trying due to their top-notch services.
I can confidently say that it's worth investing every single penny.
Give virtual private servers a try. Good support information including knowledgebase and regularly updated system status.
The servers are fully-redundant, flexible and scalable, there is no downtime on them. Technicians are skillful and qualified.
Like website builder. The technical support is outstanding - support tickets tend to get a response within minutes, which usually resolves the problem.
The site has always powered my social networking site with ease, no matter how much burst in traffic i get, it still runs very fast.
Several friends have moved their business sites to and I plan to move my primary corporate web site to them soon as well.
ANY ticket I submitted had a response in less than 10 minutes and the staff was always willing to help work through an issue - good support service.