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VPS plans from and are enticing for me and I wonder which way is better to follow and why?
I am really happy to have found VPS Hosting. Use coupon: COINSHOSTING (50% OFF) for shared, vps hosting solutions.
They go out of their way to help in anything - one of their staff even incorporated my blog design for me into my site! All plans, Shared, VPS, RDP are NVMe storage only.
Have been very happy with vps service. Uptime is good. They are not deceptive as most others whose claims are later found false.
Pricing is a bit high for a startup site with little to no value or income. But for the quality of the service, definitely worth it.
Use the code: 50% OFF - VPS servers and cPanel hosting. Recommend VPS Hosting solutions to others.
The service offers me much freedom when creating my sites with support for PHP, MySQL, PERL and all that good stuff.
VPS plans from and are worth trying.
I highly recommend these companies to anyone in search of a reliable and customer-oriented hosting provider.
20 years of experience in the IT field. This host seems to be geared towards the professional web designer, but they were still friendly and helpful to a novice such as myself. No hidden fees or surprises, very reliable service. I have used a few hosts in the past but VPS hosting is by far the best.
Give a try. Both upload and download speeds are incredibly fast, and the features are standard but very well supported.