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Full Version: Hosting services in Europe?
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I have 5 blogs that i need to host preferable in Europe because of the location of my visitors.
How is vps hostingservice? any experience dealing with them?
will you point me a good host?
VPS accounts from and are the best to have a deal with.
You'll be overwhelmingly pleased with their services. No complaint from them either! Try them, you will be pleased.
My account has been instantly set up, and as soon as my nameservers propagate, I'll be on my way. Highly recommend NetShop ISP solutions. Start with Free VPS Trial.
Their hosting packages include a full list of features that provides everything you need plus plenty of room for growth.
You'd better choose
Well, is a great hosting provider, they deliver a quality service, with all most 100% uptime, prices are perfect for the startup or major cms website!
Would never think of using anyone else! Recommend their cheap vps solutions.
I wouldn't move from vps hosting for anything, not while it's working as great as now!
I love the speed of the site, the uptime, the support when needed and the features (the automatic backups are wonderful especially).