So I'm curious if anyone who's added the code to their sites has the audio playing on them yet?
I decided to try it. I've heard the noise when I alter the code to test it, but so far I've heard no adds at my pages.
Taggart Wrote:I believe that the code you ad to your site is invisible, and the only effect once it's operating is that there will be a five second audio ad played when someone goes to your site, or maybe more after a few minutes of the site being open.
Please explain how the code is invisible? If I add the code I have to copy and paste so I have to be able to see it. The 5 second audio ad sounds like it's going in where load time is critical. People leave a site if it doesn't load in less than about 7 seconds, which means 5 seconds is eaten up before the actual site can load. The visitor is likely to leave before the actual site starts to load!
I have the code on this page:
... let me know if you can hear the ad
I believe the visitor has to be on the web page for something like a minimum of 30 seconds.
Anyway, on my stats page I am getting income on this so it's definitely working!
If the visitors have to be 30 seconds in your page, and there is taking time loading, then your chances of loosing a visitor are high. 30 seconds is a lot of time for internet users, unless they are looking for something special. So, I guess if you have content that will keep people interested, then using something like this will work.
SageMother Wrote:Please explain how the code is invisible? If I add the code I have to copy and paste so I have to be able to see it. The 5 second audio ad sounds like it's going in where load time is critical. People leave a site if it doesn't load in less than about 7 seconds, which means 5 seconds is eaten up before the actual site can load. The visitor is likely to leave before the actual site starts to load!
You can see the code as part of the source when you're editing, but it doesn't alter the visual appearance of the site, at least in my experience.
I don't think it affects the load time noticeably on my page, and I have yet to hear an audio ad, but I have heard the white noise when I tested it.
Sounds nice, I'm gonna try it.
I'm inclined to agree with the above posts, anything which increases loading time reduces the chance someone will view your site. Internet users are impatient, we want our sites 5 minutes ago not in half an hour. If a page doesn't load, we close it and find another one.
KyleMyers Wrote:I'm inclined to agree with the above posts, anything which increases loading time reduces the chance someone will view your site. Internet users are impatient, we want our sites 5 minutes ago not in half an hour. If a page doesn't load, we close it and find another one.
Speed definitely counts. Not everyone has a machine that can handle loading even the shortest clips, which means you also exclude those users as potential customers when they can't even get past the clip to view your site!.
You do definitely have to create your site with slow modems/computers in mind or else risk losing a large source of visitors. Just the same I'm going to check this out and implement it just to see how it works for myself.