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foreign philosophy,best way to hide area under deck we should not be completely low-yielding However, as a foreign country, it is going toward high-end and high-quality areas. So at least our products to keep in the international market, through our own business to get through the misunderstanding of foreign marketing,sealing strips for wood decks China's products are not low-grade. Sina home quality or guaranteed? Sand waves Wood Jian-Jun right, and now we strengthen the floor from a technical
point of view, is already in the international innovation, the international market can recognize us, the requirements of this technology is still regulated.wood decking designs photos Now there is a misunderstanding, foreign people have not used, they do not think the high-end floor is in your to make a bench using decking board It seems that China's production of floor are low-grade. Sina home at your side in Jiangsu Heng Lam Laminate floor, do you think there are any characteristics of the floor
here? What is the commonality of this cluster? Sharon Wood Zhang Jianjun should be said that from strengthening the floor in the country's market point of view,best type of decking our business, as well as product updates, at least in the country should be the leading. However,impermeable deck surface we went to the market as a front-line brand concept is still a little weak, not as good as front-line brand promotion. Now strengthen the floor of the product, more is advertised, not