ahahaa, I'm really laughing
very funny article!
man, i never thought there would be a day when I would recommend using hyphens, but this has to be it! I would recommend about ten hyphens per domain just to make it clear.
Thanks Tanya!
Thanks for the laughs ! I can't believe they kept those domain names. Facts from real life are definitely the best way to make a point. All we need is "Vanny White" turning those letters.
OH! that is SO WRONG! LOL too funny though.. makes you wonder if they created those just for that purpose.. confusing some, shocking others.. lol boy, won't the perverts get a nice surprise?
Oh those are too funny. I think I will go back and double check my domains. One can't be too careful!
Those are funny. My favorite one is the one for PowerGen Italia. I think it's so funny that some of these have not changed, and part of me wonders if these people noticed this.
LOL!!!! To me the funniest is the Experts Exchange.... I can't believe they didn't think about the name when they wrote it down! But I guess there was the urge of getting the name right away!
They started out with one thing and ended up with another. When you line it up next to each other with no hyphens at all. How totally obscene !! There should be an organization that checks for things like that.
It may be a case of just needing someone else to read it. Ever type something and think is is okay and then when someone else points out the mistakes you didn't see? Your mind reads it one way because you know what you WANT it to say.
However the power company one is for sure a keeper.
I agree completely about having someone else read what you just typed. Because at work I would do this too. When I got to the boss he saw something entirely different.