I'm impressed tanya.
If you don't mind sharing, what did you tell them? Did you offer a price?
I hope that things work out for you and, knock on wood, that you don't get taken to an arbitration centre (contacting a trademark owner is clearly against the dispute reolution policy). I shouldn't be stressing you out!
The most you can really lose in an arbitration case is probably just the domain. You don' t get fined or anything, you just get your domain transfered.
Good luck, and keep us posted!
Hiya Zach,
No, no,no.....I specifically stated in my message that I DID NOT want $$$ for the domain. Explained my honest mistake and told him I just wanted to give them the domain if they wanted it. Told them if I didn't hear back from them, that I would not be renewing it and it would go back into the market. Then I left my name and phone number.....but I haven't heard a thing from them.
No stress here, because now that I realize that I was wrong, I'm willing to make it right in an honest, forthright fashion. And if they want to arbitrate with me....they can knock themselves out. Doesn't sound like it would really effect the outcome one way or the other anyway.
I run with scissors too.....*S*
I'll keep ya posted if I hear anything further.
Hi All,
Today, I finally passed off the TM domain to the airline. About a week ago, their Trademark Legal Representative phoned me, in response to a prior email and phone call that I'd made to their corporate offices. I must admit, I kinda lost my breath when he first said that he represented a MAJOR Intellectual Property Law Firm on behalf of XXX Airline. :eek: Again, in my innocence, I expected a call from some geeky person at the airline.....not a law firm.
But, regardless, he was very friendly and merely said that he'd be referring me to a Trademark Legal Assistant to work with me in the transfer of the domain. Its taken a week to get the transfer completed (I really don't think it was something the LA had ever actually done before) but today, it finally left my portfolio and he confirmed it was in theirs.
I wonder if they'll send me some free tickets....
Have a great weekend everybody.
Again, I'm impressed Tanya.
You may very well be the first domainer to willingly approach a company with a trademark issue and transfer your domain to them, without them even having noticed it before you mentioned it. I suppose that it is ethical, and you probably did the right thing.
At least from a pragmatic point of view, you won't run into any legal disputes because of the name. Talking to legal staff is always intimidating because they are sharks! It's actually ironic because they would turn right against you if someone paid them, and you're doing something very ethical towards them. ahhhh good job Tanya!
Thanks for keeping us updated! It's a very interesting story!
lol I hope you do get your free tickets
Wow! I am impressed! I'm happy it is over and you don't have that "headache" in your portfolio anymore. Very ethical from your part... They should've offer you something just because you were so "easy and honest"... tickets could be great! LOL!