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Full Version: Mass article submission to get backlinks?
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I use Article Post Robot.
Works like a charm.
but kevin you have some duplicate content issues and quality article directories will not allow that ...
no need for mass submission as there is always a risk of getting lower PR Backlinks. Ezinearticles, goarticles, ehow and associatedcontent are enough to gain more back links if you write up articles on any niche
I'm doing a bit of a test on few sites and I found a program that claims you don't necessarily need google PR or Google rank to get high volumes of traffic.
There are many other ways. Check this out....
Wow that's great. i also have a new website and i want some traffic and high page rank. i know many seo methods and internet marketing but i think this is gonna be best.


web marketing services
I outsourced many times submitting articles with article marketing robot. This software submit the articles to thousand or more sites, but most of these are low value sites not the big articles sites on the net.
Tools for the mass submission of articles is no longer worth anything.
Mass submission will only get your website sandboxed, dont do it..
The problem with mass submitting your articles is that #1 you are submitting the same content to multiple websites, #2 an article should be at least 40% unique not to be counted as duplicate content and #3 a lot of the websites that accept automatic submissions are now considered content farms so they won't pass much link juice to your website any way.
Though articles are the best and organic technique to get traffic but it also takes a lot of time to promote websites. Links once generated with the help of articles are the best to get fast traffic to websites.
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