PVC trim is expected
A notable arrival is Inteplast, which makes several private-label brands and has become the licensed producer of CEVN, a PVC decking in which each board has two colors. Meanwhile, Deceuninck made a splash at this year's International Builder's Show with a brand of PVC decking. And Wolf, a distributor based in York, Pa., that has expanded into New England and the Southeast, dropped AZEK's PVC decking in 2010 to begin distributing CEVN as well as start selling its own, private-label brand of plastic deck. How To Shop "Saying all deckboards are the same is like saying all cars are the same," says Gramlich of TimberTech. "A Chevette isn't a Mercedes." Though virtually all industry experts agree that composite and PVC decking and trim is far better than it was just a few years ago, they stress that variations between products still run rampant. So how do you tell which product is a peach and which is a lemon? The basic answer from manufacturers is to not accept what companies say at face value and to check closely how they back up their word.
solid surface exterior decking
wear resistant white vinyl privacy fence
acrylic composite deck sealer

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