save up of cut down
individual plant; Be measured to be 6.4765 stere by save up of cut down forest. Difference opinion: To Ji Mou the qualitative existence of behavior differs two kinds opinion: how to build a bench made out of decking material The first kind of opinion thinks, ji Mou's behavior does not make crime, shang Da of its denudation forest is less than the amount that denudation forest blame convictions to ask. Reason is: According to top people court " destroy case of
criminal of silvan natural resources about cognizance specific application law the explanation of a certain number of problems " the 6th regulation: "Denudation forest ' black laminate flooring uk the amount is larger ' , with 10 to 20 stere or young tree 500 it is start to 1000 individual plant. " at the same time, on January 15, 2007 " the reply that national forestry bureau holds an issue about illegal fact concerning in case of forest
of steel strike, denudation " regulation: closeout fence panels "In steel strike or in denudation forest case, steel strike or the save up amount of denudation forest the individual plant tree of young tree ought to be calculated respectively and perhaps maintain. " the young tree that 5 centimeters are less than by the pectoral diameter of denudation in this case 480 individual plant and pectoral diameter 3 foot high composite fence sections are more than or be equal to 5

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  save up is measured qizhen0809 0 873 03-23-2018, 07:33 AM
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