newbies make money?

I think this is the trick. I see a lot of potential if a person just sits down and takes the time to think up a really great domain. I played around with this one day and found a thesaurus comes in very handy. Wink

Also, the best thing I've learned from this forum is that you can actually earn money by parking your domain! Who knew?

Dulcinea Wrote:Keep playing with words and reading business and cultural trend articles. And be sure to keep a pencil by your bed! Dulcinea
equilec Wrote:As a newbie I am making money... but peanuts money for the moment.

I manage to collect or register quite a few numbers of domain. I believe I have achieve that phase. It took me 3 ebook to achieve that... hehe

Zach's (Domain Cash Secrets), Sean's (Domain Graduate) and Phil's (Domain Into Dollars)

All are good read but all with different approach. Money I am making now are mostly from Parking. I am planning to move to the second phase which is selling some domains in hopes that I can profit from it and then buy good domains which will help me make more money.

I guess in this sense it is like monopoly. But 1 simple domain, 2 3 4 then sell it to buy more really great domain.... Smile

I agree that small players like me should not dream and be greedy in hopes of achieving making big money in this industry in a short time. I believe this industry like real property you need time to build capital via buying and selling. Unless you are very very very very lucky to buy one funny domain which no ones looks at and suddenly got a call from a corporate wanting to buy your domain for silly money.... Smile

Ahhh... in this sense this approach is a lottery....

You have taken time to do background reading and you seem to have worked out a clear strategy, you are not expecting to make money without planning or effort. Your planning and determination should pay off in the end, I wish you every success. I get the feeling that some people rush in and buy domains without much thought or research, then they are surprised when it doesn't work out.
justontime Wrote:You have taken time to do background reading and you seem to have worked out a clear strategy, you are not expecting to make money without planning or effort. Your planning and determination should pay off in the end, I wish you every success. I get the feeling that some people rush in and buy domains without much thought or research, then they are surprised when it doesn't work out.

I do hope it will pay off... and thanks for the well wishes.

Actually after I read Domain into Dollars... I was the kind of person who rushed into it. In a span of one week I acquired 28 domains only to find that half of it was pretty sh!tty... In terms of parking revenue... later after that... with a bit of research I did manage to acquire some so-so ones... I believe it would be appraised in the $1000... Tongue according to Zach's book...

Yes... I also wish myself the best in being a domain tycoon.... hahaha
thanks to you!
i am beginning to learn from this site, so far, i think it is great.
Ok, so when it comes to parking domains, what is the potential that one can earn for a good domain, and can you still sell it while it is parked?
ı had . ı had a wery easy web sıte then register ıt for dıfferent yellow page ın turkey. then send a mail to shopping web site in turkey. then some one want that name.ı sell it 200$ .

now ı have and do ı have a chance to sell them 250 $
best wishes

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