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BENGHAZI nike air force 1 flyknit sale , March 9 (Xinhua) -- Libya's renegade general Khalifa Haftar was sworn in on Monday as the army chief of the war-torn country, according to parliamentary sources.

"Khalifa Belgacem Haftar took the legal oath before the parliament and will begin his duties from the moment," Faraj Abu Hashim, a lawmaker, told Xinhua.

The internationally recognized House of Representatives also promoted Haftar to lieutenant general, the lawmaker added.

Haftar was born in 1943 and studied in the Military Academy in Benghazi. Although he had been a trusted general under Muammar Gaddafi nike air force 1 mid sale , he split with him after the Libyan-Chadian war, also known as Toyota War, started in 1978. He left for the United States and resided there until 2011.

He returned to Libya right after an anti-Gaddafi movement broke out and played a major role in toppling the strongman.

Haftar's secular-leaning militias, now incorporated into the Libyan national army, are seen as the backbone of Libya's internationally recognized government and parliament, now operating in Tobruk nike air force 1 high womens sale , a port city in northeast Libya, and are now waging a war on Libya's Islamist armed groups since last May.

In the eastern part of the country, Hafter has amassed popular support by battling "terrorists" and extremist groups. In the west, his fighters are confronting the local Islamist alliance Libya Dawn, who occupied the capital city of Tripoli and established a rival government and parliament.

Libya has witnessed a drastic escalation of violence after the 2011 turmoil which toppled Gaddafi. The Islamist militants and pro-secular militia have been vying for cities and towns for months, and fighting still rages near Tripoli nike air force 1 high mens sale , Benghazi and Gharyan.

TOKYO, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- Japan's government kept a relatively upbeat view of the nation's economy Tuesday despite the data released last week confirming the world's third-largest economy had slipped into a technical recession due to the April 1 consumption tax hike.

The Cabinet Office reiterated its stance this month that the" Japanese economy is on a moderate recovery," while adding that weakness can be seen in private consumption.

The government maintained, however, that despite the slightly altered wording from a month earlier, the assessment was neither a downward nor upward revision nike air force 1 high sale , although the Cabinet Office noted that the 3-percentage point tax increase to 8 percent in April is still taking a toll on the economy, particularly on domestic demand and consumption.

The latest report was released after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday dissolved the lower house of parliament to call a snap election in a bid to garner support from the electorate for his unpopular and now delayed second sales tax hike to 10 percent from 8 percent.

Abe's move followed gross domestic product data for Japan last week surprisingly contracting an annualized real 1.6 percent in the three months through September, marking the second straight quarter of decrease following a revised 7.3 percent tumble in the April-June quarter.

Hence, the government's latest report showed that household spending, a leading gauge indicating personal consumption, dropped 5.6 percent on year in the recording period extending losses for a sixth straight month nike air force 1 low womens sale , but the report upwardly revised housing investment.

Housing construction showed signs of bottoming, the report said, with seasonally adjusted annualized housing starts standing at 880, 000 units in the recording period, up from 845,000 a month earlier.

But the government lowered its assessment on job conditions for the first time in 24 months nike air force 1 low mens sale , stating "The employment situation shows a trend toward improvement, while an increase in job offers to seekers ratio appears to be pausing".

The ratio of job offers to seekers stood at 1.09 in September, down from 1.10 seen in August, July and June.

While noting that business investment "shows some weak movements recently, while it is on the increase," the office also noted that "exports are flat" and that "industrial production is decreasing recently".

The government stated in its recent report that corporate profits appeared to be "pausing as a whole" although improvements at large manufacturers had been observed.

The view of current business conditions showed a "small improvement in large manufacturers" nike air force 1 low sale , the report said, adding, however, that caution remains overall and that "consumer prices are flat recently".

On the immediate outlook for the economy, the government said that weakness "will remain for the time being, but the economy is expected to recover nike air force 1 deconstruct sale , supported by the effects of the policies."

The Cabinet Office added that "attention should be given to the downside risks of the Japanese economy such as declining consumer sentiment and slowing down of overseas economies".

Going forward and regarding its policy positions, the Cabinet Office said that it will make its "utmost efforts to ensure the economy overcomes deflation and achieve economic revitalization and fiscal consolidation".

In addition, the report said the government "also continuously pursues to expand the economic virtuous cycles which cover local economies, through directing growing corporate profits towards business investment, wage increase and further improvement in the employment situation".

On additional stimulus measures, the Cabinet office said that the government "will develop a new economic stimulus package to ensure the economic virtuous cycles get on the right track and the fruits of Abenomics spread throughout local economies nike air force 1 premium sale ," adding that it "expects the Bank of Japan to achieve the price stability target of 2 percent at the earliest possible time".

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