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fences add an extra dimension to your home in terms of safety, so if you have ageing wooden fences it might be worth looking at how you can improve your security. Finishing Your Cedar Outdoor Garden Seats and Benches Cedar is one of the most popular building and construction materials in the world. It is used both indoors and outdoors on
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everything from exterior siding to interior paneling, from furniture to art. This article will focus on the use of cedar in outdoor garden seats and benches with techniques and tips on how to finish this beautiful wood to achieve just the right colors, textures and longevity desired. Cedar does not require a finish because it naturally withstands insect attack and the
elements of the outdoors. Many people prefer to allow their outdoor cedar furniture to age naturally without a stain or finish. With the passage of time this colorful wood will slowly weather to a silver-grey and the grain of the wood will become slightly raised. Darker streaks will eventually form because of the reaction between the Cedar resin and the
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