should be controlled
to the following installation procedure and installation method. 1, laying the preparation of the floor before the laying to ensure that a recognized, four non-shop: laying workers in the construction should be detailed before the laying process, must be approved by the user before construction; if encountered the following circumstances not
to construction, The user explains clearly and explains the reason. The surface is not dry (wet), not clean, no construction; the surrounding environment has termites, no construction; construction site cross mixing operations, no construction; construction period is too short, can not implement the process, no construction (consultation
requirements overtime). 2, pavement method - suspended pavement a, pavement before the indoor environment installation environment temperature should be controlled at 10 degrees Celsius above the relative humidity is best not less than 80% and not less than 40%, the room does not seepage, If the temperature is below 18 degrees, the
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