enclothed rate by found
the forest is enclothed rate by found a state 8 earlier. 6 % rise 16. 55 % . Prevented Sha Zhisha to enter a project to change, dimensions changes construction new corrugated roofing under a deck level. 3 north project of the first phase 3 period afforestation of project accumulative total 3. 300 million mus. In farming area, the farm of 65 % came true forest the net is changed, in sanded area, 20 % can administer desert
to change land to get preliminary processing.deck cost estimator and labor Zhou Shengxian says, to the end of 2000, china builds forest and groove guard of nature of type of wild vivid plant 909 place, the area breaks through 1.5 billion mus. Build silvan park 1078 place. Countrywide economy forest products produces per year a quantity to achieve many tons 6700, house world the first. Zhou Shengxian calculate cost to build a balcony porch points out at
the same time, chinese forestry construction still is put in inadequacy of gross of silvan natural resources, quality inferior, distributing to all do not worsen with pergola made of engineered wood zoology the trend has not get be turninged round at all waiting for serious problem. Chinese forest is enclothed rate only world forest enclothes the 60 % of rate, 4 what silvan area takes the world only. 6 % , the 1 / tha

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