developing domains
I would like to start developing some of my domains for resale. I've looked at website tonight at godaddy and also at prozilla. Anyone here have any experience with either or suggestions on another plan to develop sites? I'm not a techoboob; but I'm not a geek skills are somewhere in between...*L*
followyourbliss Wrote:I would like to start developing some of my domains for resale. I've looked at website tonight at godaddy and also at prozilla. Anyone here have any experience with either or suggestions on another plan to develop sites? I'm not a techoboob; but I'm not a geek skills are somewhere in between...*L*

I'm searching for the same answer , I will let you know if I come across anything.
I personaly don't care for Go Daddy's interface or navigation or website tonight templates, but that's just me and i guess we get what we pay for (website tonight is free with domain registraion)..

have you ever tried
hi all, I used to register through them but I think their website tonight is sucks, it only gives you few pages and actually it is a too simple website builder! if you looking to drive to traffic, a simple website builder do you no good.

try to develop a a useful content website plus adsense or some affiliate programs instead to sponsor your hosting fees.

if you are not sure on how to do it, PM me and I'll show you
Hi all and thanks for your opinions. I've avoided asking this question because I'm sure it sounds really dumb; but I need to know, so here goes!

I'm confused a little between the terms "parking" and "developing" websites. I have my domains parked at Sedo and have used their optimisation tools so far; selecting keywords, templates, etc. I'm not seeing alot of success with this however.

So if I develop a website with tools from GoDaddy, Prozilla or another program; does this necessarily mean that I'll then have to find a hosting company to put it on? Or can I develop the site and still park it at Sedo? (or somewhere else) Hosting really isn't a problem; I have a source that awards me free hosting for my membership to ummm....well....another site. *LOL*

Help! If I could get this one issue straight in my head, I think I can move forward.

it's not dumb at all tanya. I encountered the same problem as you did and find traditional parking like sedo doesn't do you good.

e.g. it shows a page where is full of ads, i think it is good if the domain is a premium e.g.,, and so on. But if your domain isn't premium, that contain 3 words or so, (the domain ebooks by zach got more details on it). you may want to develop. one easy way to develop a website is using wordpress a blogging software. this is the easiest blogging software and lots of features to use including categories

I am sure godaddy or prozilla might have this software bundled with their hosting. godaddy is a hosting company by the way.

Now, I've just bought an ebook on how to develop a money making blog that eventually drives you traffic, when you have traffic on your site don't waste it.

it's called the atomic blogging. it is a 83-pages easy step by step follow guide on how to set up your blog, earn money with blog and have it ranks fast and top in major search engine like google.

I've bought it myself and it's a lot of useful information , I certainly recommend this to you.

download the atomic blogging book

if you have others question few free to ask.

If you are going for GoDaddy's web design tools, i.e. website tonight, that usually comes bundled with their hosting package. So you won't need any other hosting solutions whatsoever.

Saying that, I'd recommend that you don't go for GoDaddy's hosting solution. If you already have free hosting, you might want to find out whether their hosting offers Cpanel & Fantastico. Cpanel comes with a built-in basic web editor, which would eliminate the requirement of having something like website tonight. You'd be able to use templates, and make the basic changes with the basic editor. I'm presuming here though that you know something about web designing... This way, you won't be spending any extra money Smile

Hope that helps.
Has anybody here every had their site crash because of bandwidth issues?

I forget which site it was, but I heard about one crashing after the URL was posted on a CNN show.
Taggart Wrote:Has anybody here every had their site crash because of bandwidth issues?

I forget which site it was, but I heard about one crashing after the URL was posted on a CNN show.

I had a site come close to crashing due to bandwidth issues but that was many years ago. Luckily the hosting company sent and email when things started getting tight.
My site has crashed before due to bandwith issues but this was a refresh attack by a cracker and not really down to the hosting company or domain name itself...

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