bounce rate
How do i improve bounce rate of my website?
- Adjust the bounce rate of your website
- Reduce the bounce rate of the web pages in the profit index
- Stop Targeting keyword channels which are sending low value traffic
- Create landing pages which satisfy visitor's query.
- Make your call to action relevant to your landing page
- Develop contents which can be consumed in short span of time
- Use Virtual Pageviews or Event Tracking for Ajex/Flash based contents
- Create landing pages which are visually appealing and load fast
- Develop a need to explore your website further
- Improve Your Content's Readability.
- Avoid Popups – Don't Disrupt the UX.
- Create a Compelling Call-to-Action.
- Improve Your Brand Storytelling.
- Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content.
- Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic.

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