Which of these key words?
Hello, I have several domains in a shortlist, from which I plan to use 1 to sell my product.

They all contain the name of my product (blanked out):


The following domains contain a secondary name for my product (a synonym of the product but has less searches):


Obviously words like 'sale' and 'warehouse' will probably be better for a domain than 'the' and 'home' but should I sacrifice the more highly searched product word for a better overall domain name?

Advice greatly appreciated Smile
You never really mention what category the product would be used for, so potentially any of these domains are good.
Can’t really tell without seeing the other words they will be used with.
You are using very small domain names and I think these all may already registered. You should choose some long names. I think only then you will got an unregistered name.

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