Which article directory is best?
Hi everyone

I promote my affiliate products through article directories, and I have found this to work very well. So far I submit mainly to ezinearticles.com.

I know that there are many other article directories out there, but was wondering which one is best? Which directory will get you the highest ranking on search engines for your keywords?


Good question! I hadn't heard of ezine articles, but then I am new at this.
When I publish and article in any directory I always hang a copy in AC content and Triond. You get bucks and triple your exposure by social bookmarking.
aquariancore Wrote:When I publish and article in any directory I always hang a copy in AC content and Triond. You get bucks and triple your exposure by social bookmarking.

But doesn't AC ask for an exclusive article? Or you don't "sell" it there? Just curious. I thought they wanted original stuff to sell.
berlinlife06 Wrote:But doesn't AC ask for an exclusive article? Or you don't "sell" it there? Just curious. I thought they wanted original stuff to sell.

You have a choice and I rarely sell exclusive.
Thanks for the info, Aquarian... my concern with AC is that I feel you have to promote your own articles to get viewed and then be able to sell them... But that's just my impression! I haven't got into AC for real, since I'm living in Germany.
berlinlife06 Wrote:Thanks for the info, Aquarian... my concern with AC is that I feel you have to promote your own articles to get viewed and then be able to sell them... But that's just my impression! I haven't got into AC for real, since I'm living in Germany.

Aren't you able to join? It's a great place to develop your talents.
Aquariancore knows his stuff Smile ALways a great tip.

Berlin, are you from the US originally?
Associated Content is great. I rarely sell exclusive. You can promote your work and make more money, or just take what they offer. Look into it.
I am also checking out an article submitter tool and a tool to aide (not mechanically registrer) social bookmarking. I will follow up soon.

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