Todays Technology...!!
Actually, it is at a point where we can create our own jobs and make our own opportunities.
thats true..If I'm not mistaking, I believe currently 5% of residents in the US work from home in Ohio, not sure about it nationally though.
Yes todays technology killing job of people because of better efficiency and quality. But it also creats more jobs to IT and other experts.
I imagine that about 100 years ago a conversation not too different from this thread happened in places like stables and where manufacturers of buggys and buggy whips once stood.

A reality of life is that things change. Sometimes change is a good thing, sometimes, not so much. Most of the time, with change, comes opportunity. If you can adapt, you survive. If you pay attention, you survive. If you are ahead of the curve and can see and act on trends, you can do even better.

For example on the low end jobs, if you can operate a trencher (not a high skills job), you can get a decent job with any number of telcos or cable companies. As infrastructure demands improvement, there is always something out there.

Or, in an area closer to our hearts, if you were paying attention in the mid-late 1990s, you would have noticed those strange .com .net and .org thingies (called URLs) seen in television commercials and in print ads. A lot of prime realestate was secured during those days, but guess what? There is still a huge amount of opportunity out there - sometimes not always in the ways you might think... so start thinking beyond where you think today.

For one thing, think about this. Just 17 years ago this discussion would not have been possible. Today, it is commonplace for us to speak with people in all areas of the globe. There was a time when people thought, "what a great idea, but I need contacts". That is simply not a problem any more (of course, there are new issues that such global reach brings, but I'm feeling rather upbeat, so I'll chose to ignore those for now).

I am always trying to think ahead...sometimes too much, where my head spins and I can't think. Part of jumping in on things that may/may not be successful is to be a risk taker. I havn't reached that point, yet...but hopefully I will one day get lucky!
Mesoc Wrote:thats true..If I'm not mistaking, I believe currently 5% of residents in the US work from home in Ohio, not sure about it nationally though.

Did you mean five percent of people that work from home in the US live in Ohio?
Well at the moments in India almost 10% users are working from home because of todays technology.
What kind of jobs are they performing?
Most of them are working as Freelancer and data entry job. It is very easy job here.
India has taken lots of our job, why don't you call aol support, or another customer service from a major company.

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