T.R.A.F.F.I.C Moniker Auction
Has anyone had any personal experience with selling with Moniker and the TRAFFIC Auctions? Do the Domain names really get the prices that they state?

thanks :eek:
I have no personally attended a T.R.A.F.F.I.C auction, but to answer your question, yes the domains do sell at the prices listed.

The domain auctions are largely attended by big domain buyers and resellers, who come cash in hand ready to spend.

You will often find that the domains are overvalued and auctioning does sometimes get out of control! Which I suppose is good for the sellers Smile
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We have had many really good names in Moniker's auctions. It seems that they come back to you to low ball your reserve to possibly get them it into the auctions.

Use caution, as our experience has been that we "lost" a few really good names due to someone grabbing them dirt cheap because we lowered the reserve to Moniker's recomended low reserve price.

Remember that MOST people, if not all, are in the trade at the auctions so they are looking to grab names as cheap as possible. After all they are at an AUCTION, Right?

Also, the auction revenues have been WAY DOWN last quarter 2007 and more this year. 10% or so of the 1-2-3,000 names on the lists actually sell and only the cream or the crop or decent names really cheap. Seems the market is saturated with live and online auctions and not enough buyers.

If you have good names it is best to hold onto them for as long as you can as investments untill things get much better with the economy.

It's too cheap not to hold them for 6.95 or so a year than let someone in the domain name trade grab or practically steal them from you.

Plus you should be able to earn at least the cost of registration or transfer just by parking them, or simply develop them with one page websites with adsense and affiliate banners on them.

It is so cheap today to host multiple pages to earn with and that is residule income.Smile

Check out these hosting packages for as little as $2.79/mth. for 10 gigs plus free services at http://www.megacheaperhosting.com
(thats at least hundreds of pages, WOW!!!)

We recomend DEVELOP, DEVELOP, DEVELOP - park. Hold onto your Domains and make them earn!

We can save you big and earn you revenue registering, transfering and parking your domains with us.

Visit Us, maybe we can help you too as we have done with hundreds of very Satisfied Domainers. http://www.megacheaperdomains.com

Thanks, Good Luck! Smile
have a look
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