Seasonal Cycles in Domaining

As some of you know, I've semi-regularly post a list of $5 closeout domains or expiring domains going to auction .. and while I have been around domains for a very long time .. this is my first year with the actual intention of domaining, and as such, seriously following expiration lists.

I'm finding that the last couple of weeks the numbers have dropped significantly .. down to as low as 40% the usual average. While I was expecting a dip .. I really wasn't expecting this sharp of one and so much lower. Is anyone else experiencing this? I know long time bloggers like Domain Shane often say how Summer is quiet .. but 40% was way more than what I was expecting!

I wasn't sure if maybe part of this happening at GD is because of TuCow's acquisition of eNom and possibly the move back of their expiring auctions back to NameJet from GoDaddy? But to me the volume of the drop is really more than that, so just wondering if this is normal?

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