Same domain name
How do you find out who had a domain name first?
I don't quite understand the question - can you explain more?
If you want to know who owns the name of a said website, searches through registrars and other databases will help you find lots of detailed information on the site's owner.
I think there are websites were you can find out information on other domains. I don't quite remember it though. Try searching google.
kokotai Wrote:How do you find out who had a domain name first?

Did you try ? Smile
Remember the good old days of private detectives? I loved Magnum PI. Oh for a good reason to hire a guy like that.
Haha Magnum was great. I may be showing my age here, but I saw Tom Selleck on a show the other day, not sure what one, and it made me think the first time I saw him talking about Magnum PI. It was on a daytime talk show like John Davidson or Mike Douglas, and they showed a clip from the show. He was trying to break into the car, and the doberemans were running at him and he kept telling himself "Work the lock not the dogs, work the lock not the dogs." That was the first time I ever saw Magnum PI. Not sure why that memory has stuck in my head though.
I think he/she is talking about whois.
Btw what is magnum huh?
But you had to pay Magnum, although he was a soft touch and would often work for cut rates. I always figured I'd rather be friends with Jessica Fletcher, because she worked for free and always helped her friends. On the other hand, the survival rate of those around her was a little iffy. Smile
you can find web site owner info by checking its whois, and if you are talking about the that domain which you currently have and was with some one else before then I don't think you will find much information regarding this

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