Paid Poster here!
I think that is a wonderful way for someone in a wheelchair to stay connected and bring in some money.
Yeah, if her wheelchair was keeping her homebound (although I don't know why it should in most societies) then posting on a bunch of forums probably gave her the social interaction she wasn't getting otherwise.
I think the idea behind paid posting is to provide new forums with a way to get people started psoting. If you went into a forum,a nd noone at all was posting, then you probably wouldn't stay, but if you went into a new forum that was on a topic you liked and they had 400 quality posts on the subject wouldn't you be more likely to return?
Very good point pohto9 I know I would be more likely to return if they had good quality posts as opposed to a few scattered posts here and there.
Avandia settlements
Paid posting is really good to start some business I think. If you start a company or big site then forum obviously can be a important part of that site. If you got some quality post then that may attract more users there. That can took your site right ahead.
Take ourselves as an example. We come to this site because there is so many good things about domain names. That makes us to come back again and again.
You mean we can actually get paid for posting? Now that's interestingBig Grin
Just be careful if you join a paid to post company and you start to advetise yourself..the company will find out!! You will be fired..remain true the company you work for!
You get it cheaper if you hire someone privately..then if you hired an agency.. I know for a fact..
The cheapest way might be good. But I think quality people on your site is better. They will keep returning and the posts will be helpful and increase traffic.

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