The Phlogs are real!
Turns out that after looking to do some photo blog, someone here suggested the name "plog" and then I said it could be better "phlog". Well, I googled "phlog" and got my answer: they already exist and with that name! So, I think that is the kind of blog I would like to do... but I'll have to wait until I get back from NY in March...
Well good luck then! I searched for a plog, seems a cool thing!
Thanks for info. Maybe I will do a photo log or PHLOG. I am still searching for what type of blog/phlog to do.
Heh, now I think I've just heard about everything. I wonder what will surprise me next. Anyone tried this? Can you provide more information? It really puzzles me still.
Phlogs have been popping up all over. It is up there with video.
I run into a couple of Phlogs that seemed interesting enough but there were not really impressive... I will keep looking around and see what else they have. I'm still looking for my camera!

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