My Hotmail finally got updated.
A few years ago, when most people used Hotmail, Google came out with it's new mail service.

Yahoo and Hotmail did their best to retain their users by trying to upgrade the size of their mail boxes.

Well, whereas everyone's email got upgraded, until today I only had 2MB! I finally got upgraded. Not that I ever use the service (it's only for my Messenger account), but it's nice to know that Microsoft finally got to me.... years later..... after everyone else.... when I no longer used their services... Rolleyes

I always loved hotmail either it was 2mb or now 2gb.
The live mail is awesome.
I got really tired of receiving advertisements and spam about my "health" if you know what I mean. I have let my hotmail account expire. I used gmail for a while but it was only with a particular business association. I have so many emails actually I can hardly keep track of them. I have given addresses to various people over the years. Now I talk to people and they say, "I sent you a mail they other day. Did you get it?" I ask what address they sent it to and most of the time it's one I haven't used in long enough that it has expired.
I got updated lie 2 years ago to 250 MB on Hotmail, but never used that much. And now I have 2gig. I have used hotmail forever, as a backup account since I started to go on the internet, maybe 10 years ago or so... Before that I always used aol as my main account, and still use it in Germany because it is my internet providor. But I actually use my yahoo account more than any other. I feel is more reliable, and using a Mac, let´s say Microsoft has never been too friendly with Mac Users!

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