Man Who Owns The Internet
I’m a newbie, so this maybe history to many of you, if so, please bring me up to speed with the appropriate archives.

How many here have read the article entailed: “The man who owns the Internet:” written by Paul Sloan, for Business 2.0 Magazine. It is prefaced thusly: Kevin Ham is the most powerful dotcom mogul you've never heard of. Here's how the master of Web domains built a $300 million empire.

If you’re at all interested in the future of domaining, it’s a must read. If anyone is interested I'll post the link, or just Google the sentence. Care To Discuss It?


Don't be so humble dear Wendall, you may be a newbie to this forum, but holding 70 domains and having started on before the dotcom boom, you are a veteran in both the physical Wink and internet domains. (I have read your opening post and Zach's replies).

I have been in the computer field for over 20 years, but only registered my first domain in 2005. It was for my own brand name itssri. The reason was we didn't have so free access to registrations and online transactions until a few years back when the Indian market really opened up. In the early days it was too expensive and restrictive without any choices.

Now we have instant access to the top deals from around the world and within the last 6 months I have added one and half dozen names in my domains portfolio. I now spend on an average at least 1 to 2 hours a day for this activity alone. For most of these domains I have a specific niche business in mind and intend to develop them and then sell.

I would request you to please spare some time and have a look at few of these names (and site/parked page) and share your impressions and ideas with me: - this is a running off-site business - complimentary site to above - to be developed as a portal to Access Personal facilities - to list (and do paid reviews of) least costing deals - on the lines of the famous pixel based ads, but strips are given here - to list the best 1 dollar deals around the internet world - please Google the word to get an idea of why this is great
and the best of them all LinkCite - the new social bookmarking tool

So, dear Wendall, your observations please. Thanks so much for spending your precious time. And yes, I am interested in that article by Paul Sloan, you mentioned. Please do give me the link.

With best regards,
Greetings My Friend! Here's the Link to the article; if it does't work, Google "Kevin Ham"

Thanks for the kind remarks. I have read your reply several times, in addition to your Bio. Allow me to commend your command of the English language. While I have technically been in the domaining field for a longer period of time, your education and twenty year perspective from the tech profession, has me wondering how the perspective of a worn out old carpenter will be of much help. However, the acquisition of a new friend is always welcome, and who knows what will develope from an exchange of ideas.

Reading the article will really expand your view of just what is transpiring in the industry and a visit to will perhaps allow you to focus your plans. I
will give your names further thought. Today I plan to build a new website divorcing my URL business from my current political website, as suggeste by Zach. If you like, we will then compare inventories and perhaps devise a mutual business plan. Until then: Happy Trails. Wendall
Thank you so much Wendall. It's a flattering start to the day with your commendation.

You know, what's the hottest thing around the world? Information, Knowledge, Experience! Every perspective is important. So, there you have the answer. Being technical is just being skilled in some or other tool. That's all. The real thing is knowledge and awareness of the surroundings, the society, the world. Well, we can go on and on with philosophy.

Yes, Zach is right. We business oriented persons must be politically neutral. Politics and politicians change, but business goes on. But, I do have one parked domain DebaterBlog and any attempt at populating it with content leads to political grounds. Perhaps that's where all the debates are going on. I just tried it at DomainEmbarking. I will write about the experience at your post on parking.

It's also very kind of you to foresee mutual plans, that are certainly welcome.

With best regards,
Thanks I will certainly read this. Looks pretty interesting.

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