Live Earth Concert Domains
Live Earth Concerts are scheduled for 7-7-07 and will consist of blockbuster concerts around the globe (on 7 continents). The purpose is to raise awareness of global warming.
Besides the tickets going on sale last monday, these concerts haven't gotten much publicity yet. I believe it will be huge, so purchased the following domains. What are your opinions/impressions of this time sensitive opportunity? Can't wait to hear what you have to say. I haven't had appraisals done, that gets so expensive. What are your recommendations for appraisals? Does it matter at all if you have one? Or do you simply sell for whatever you can get???

Here's my list.

liveearth7707. com
Hey followyourbiss

I dont know much about live earth, but I do know that it is searched for 871 times a month (last month)... which is a lot considering that it is schedueled for 7 7 07

I like the first and the last domain, and maybe the third.. but what is liveearthtix? tickets? If it is, I dont think that people search for tix instead of tickets much..

Id say high $xx for all of those, but they could be worth up to mid $xxx resale a few months before.

I agree with Zach on the tix... in any case people will look for "liveearthtickets" or liveearthtkts, but "tix" sounds more like those little pests! Good luck though! You will probably make some money if you resale them.
Maybe I'd had a little too much caffeine the day I bought the "tix" coffee habit makes me a bit euphoric sometimes. Now that I've bought Zach's e-book, though, I hope to get better at this!

Good to meet ya, Berlin!

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