Keeping it clean, or going for the money?
In our endless discussions, my partner and I are talking about keeping our site clean from any sex or porn advertisement, since we want kids of 15 minimum to participate in our site. He insist that since in Germany censorship is not that tough, we can get away with it buy having a big disclosure that only people over 18 can click those ads. I feel that we better keep it clean, and avoid those kinds of problems that may lead us to problems with the law. And besides, wouldn't even be more complicated to have those disclosures set up? Because if we put it on our main page, that might scare many users, or parents that wont allow their kids using our website. How can one control that the person is really over 18? What do you think?
Personally I think that there are more than enough sites out there with x rated content or atleast links to it. I think there is a huge market right now for clean sites. Sites where parents don't have to worry about their kids seeing something nasty. Also many parents have installed safety measures on their computer like the Net Nanny etc. that won't allow their kids to access a site with adult material on it. I started a very clean site one month ago and I have received a ton of emails from viewers telling me they love not seeing anything bad on there.
_Chris Wrote:Personally I think that there are more than enough sites out there with x rated content or atleast links to it. I think there is a huge market right now for clean sites. Sites where parents don't have to worry about their kids seeing something nasty. Also many parents have installed safety measures on their computer like the Net Nanny etc. that won't allow their kids to access a site with adult material on it. I started a very clean site one month ago and I have received a ton of emails from viewers telling me they love not seeing anything bad on there.

Thank you so much! That is my point! Why have sex links in it if we can just keep it clean, even if in Germany people don't have a problem with sex? But my partner is German and I am an American... so of course we have very big differences in our view of cultural practices! We even went in the summer for a pic-nic at the TierGarten, which is like Central Park in New York City, and I was shocked to see people completely naked sunbathing there, men and women, and kids running around with balls and playing. But then again, this is a different culture. Thanks for confirming my point!
Yes it is a demand out there for clean sites. Also it is up to the parents, not the government, to monitor their children's activities and use porn blockers. I wouldn't be suprised if people were sunbathing in places like New York or LA but it would be hard to get away with that here in conservative Indiana.
I lived in New York for 14 years, and I can tell you that being completely naked in New York, in public, is against the law! The only times I saw some "nakedness" walking on the streets, was many years ago at a Gay Pride Parade, and even then, there was coverage precisely because it was against the law. I don't think that has change. But here in Berlin I've seen people completely naked SO MANY TIMES! In the park, on parades, even on discos and clubs that are not "sexual". So pretty much I got used to it. I can only imagine that happening in conservative America!
Better keep it clean, berlinlife06. I think it's better that way. There are far too many dirty sites out there. I personally get turned off by sites with xrated content.
Well I think that it's better to keep it clean because that would mean more visitors, therefore it might still mean more money. If I have a 15+ website I would never include adult content.
berlinlife06 Wrote:dwalliz:
I lived in New York for 14 years, and I can tell you that being completely naked in New York, in public, is against the law! The only times I saw some "nakedness" walking on the streets, was many years ago at a Gay Pride Parade, and even then, there was coverage precisely because it was against the law. I don't think that has change. But here in Berlin I've seen people completely naked SO MANY TIMES! In the park, on parades, even on discos and clubs that are not "sexual". So pretty much I got used to it. I can only imagine that happening in conservative America!

It is pretty much against the law almost every state here, I agreed, but people will be people and don't be suprised that there are people who does those things despite the law.
Well some people say that "rules are there to be broken" so well you might see some nude people running around, but well let's get back to the website, I don't think that a non-adult website should contain adult adverts.
I think it would be a breath of fresh air to have a completely clean site. I've seen many sites even aimed at teens that at one time or another might have an adult ad pop up. I find it tasteless and kind of annoying because these sites seem to not have any connection with adult content and yet you're being exposed to it. Granted, many people have net nanny and what not but at the same time, it is filling up the net. It's also very hard to tell if someone's 18 or not over the net. The safest and classiest thing to do is just keep it off completely.

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