Is having PPC ads suitable for your ecommerce site??
Hi, everyone has been on the rush to displaying PPC ads on their site, especially having Adsense. However, I wonder if you were to have an ecommerce site selling merchandises to your visitors, would it be suitable to display these ads??

Well, if visitors were to click on the ads, they will be drawn away from yor site aren't they?? and that could mean you have probably "lost" a potential customer right??

Have anyone experience such situation?? or is currently displaying PPC ads on their ecommerce site?? Kind to share?:p
I run a site that sells merchandise, and i decided not to display ads. From a clients perspective, it degrades the feel of the site, and makes it seem as though you are trying to make a fast buck where you can.

It all boils down to what your site is doing for you. If you have a high traffic site, but low conversions (and low sales), then it might actually be worth considering your site to be a PPC site instead (with a merchandise site front end) and place ads.
That is one of the concerns people have... On the other hand, you know a certain percentage of your visitors are not going to buy so if you can monetize them with out costing yourself too much business it MIGHT be worthwhile.
was reading up on adsense.

view is that corporate websites might suffer a drop in credibility if adsense is used (visitors might think 'how come these guys need adsense to generate income')

on the whole product blogging or affiliate promotion could work better at $30-$100+ per transaction.
otherwise content sites might be better with adsense.

my friend, Jag, had some success with prod blogging recently.
check out:

but every site is unique and it's best to test a mix of approaches.

i'm still trying out the best mix myself
#5 it is best to do some testing and experiments instead of sticking with Adsense all the way. Only thru some testing then we'll be able to polish out the true potential of any site. This is good, a wake-up call for the adsense rush.

and the affiliate networks i'm using are:
commission junction (

there's a whole bunch of strategies to product selection and transaction optimization too.

so if you're focusing mainly on domain parking and domain auctions, there could be a learning curve involved.
There is no definite answer for this. You have to find out for yourself. I personally wouldn't put PPC ads on my e-commerce site because it looks cheap. And it definitely will affect credibility of the site. Others would disagree of course. They might think that having Google or other names on their sites makes it look more professional. I guess it's a matter of opinion.
I tried adsense. I got burned because they claimed I was getting illegal clicks. Then I was going to go to commission junction and found out one of the things they wanted was my google numbers, so I decided that wasn't going to work for me. I am just as glad. I did find out they were advertising competitive businesses in the ads that were on my sites, and of course on my clients sites because I had set their sites up to show ads. Is that what I did wrong? I thought I was supposed to be able to use my code on any site I set up.
Domaineer Wrote:I tried adsense. I got burned because they claimed I was getting illegal clicks. Then I was going to go to commission junction and found out one of the things they wanted was my google numbers, so I decided that wasn't going to work for me. I am just as glad. I did find out they were advertising competitive businesses in the ads that were on my sites, and of course on my clients sites because I had set their sites up to show ads. Is that what I did wrong? I thought I was supposed to be able to use my code on any site I set up.

That it interesting to know! We are trying to build something that has as little ads as possible, at least for now, and then we´ll see later how we do it. But it is good to know all those little not so good experiences from other users. My partner knows lot, and I am more into the creative side of the work. He is taking care of the technical aspects and the advertising too.

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