How do i sell this valuable domain?
I agree with what you said about "child" and "protection" together. Those words tell you your intentions. To protect the child. Anything else is worthless. The domain name you gave with child and porn are worthless. It's wrong to use it.
I've been thinking about this... do you have that domain parked? Because I'm pretty sure if you do, the Interpol will be tracing you as we speak, because child pornography is probably the worst crime considered on the Internet. I'd say just destroy it. Even for some organization with the good intention, the name is really NOT APPEALING.
You are saying that if this domain is parked he can get into trouble with it? I didn't know how much the law is after child pornography on the internet. I would never have got it in the first place. I would delete it.
Grace Wrote:You are saying that if this domain is parked he can get into trouble with it? I didn't know how much the law is after child pornography on the internet. I would never have got it in the first place. I would delete it.

The thing is Interpol is totally after child porn traffic, because they would lead sooner or later to the reallife criminals. I know they caught a guy that was doing something with a webcam, for example... and under children like name sites, there are many "detectors" in place. They have the best hackers working for them to catch the criminals right out of their IP number. So, why get into something that might be a lot more than a headache to deal with, for a domain that really doesn't have any value?
Grace Wrote:You are saying that if this domain is parked he can get into trouble with it? I didn't know how much the law is after child pornography on the internet. I would never have got it in the first place. I would delete it.

You just reminded me. People have been jailed for having material from sites related to kiddie porn on their computers, regardless of why they were looking at the site to begin with. I think I would avoid even taking a peek, parked domain or not!
I don't feel like this is a very good acquisition even if you bought it for the right reasons. This really is a fringe and illegal market and many people (including myself) find it pretty repulsive to see even just as a domain name.
I came across a social service organization which raise its voice for child abuse like that and they have made a statement on their web that " if you have a domain which deals with child abuse. We have a kind request to donate that domain to us " but i thought that i will sell it. If i am unable to sell i will just donate it to them thats all
fourwings Wrote:I came across a social service organization which raise its voice for child abuse like that and they have made a statement on their web that " if you have a domain which deals with child abuse. We have a kind request to donate that domain to us " but i thought that i will sell it. If i am unable to sell i will just donate it to them thats all

Good idea..

I think your problem is that most non-profits dont have a large investment fund avaliable for domain name purchases. So, I doubt that you would really be able to make mch money with that domain anyway.

In the Domain eBook (, I specifically tell people to stay away from non-profit organisation niches.

Also, holding a domain like that could be considered "bad taste" because it prevents development by organisations.

Good luck

They might be collecting these domains to pursue them for prosecution...a sting. Forget about doing anything with a domain that is so marginalized.
This domain really just seems like a bad thing all over to have your name associated with. I think your last idea was good, just donate it to an NPO and take the whole thing as a lesson toward buying domains in the future.

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