Get a Secure, Scalable and Personalized Video Conferencing Solution with eNlight Meet
eNlight Meet offers a scalable, secure and fully encrypted video conferencing solution for allowing all non-disrupting communications to take place over audio and video mediums. eNlight Meet is a user-friendly solution that can be easily made available to perform daily communications between teammates or classroom environments or even at places where real-time communication occurs between remotely situated individual users.

It is a highly personalized video conferencing Solution as per a user or organization’s requirements. eNlight Meet offers faster creation of meetings using a simple URL hit. With eNlight Meet, there is no need to create an account to initiate video conferencing and be used across all user devices. It comes with all the essential and necessary features that are required for productive collaboration between the meeting participants.

Why eNlight Meet?

With eNlight Meet, the user gets the following benefits-

•Faster Meetings- Meetings can be instantly created with just a single click, and the fellow meeting participants can be directly invited using the meeting URL or email invites

•Secure Meeting Rooms- All the audio and video interactions taking place in the meeting are secured at different security levels. The meeting room authentication grants only the permitted users to join the meeting. The end-to-end encryption technique plays a crucial role in keeping the meeting communication encrypted

•Screen Sharing- eNlight Meet scans for all the available user screens, thereby allowing them to share their screens. It also allows users to share a specific application screen or a web browser tab, in case there no need to share the entire screen

•Recording Sessions- eNlight Meet allows the entire recording of an on-going meeting, with the meeting records being made available later for on-demand playbacks. Meeting recordings are compressed and saved in such a manner that it helps in optimizing the disk space

•Platform Independent- With eNlight Meet, there is no need for additional local system applications as it can easily run on web browsers. It also comes with mobile-based applications supporting Android and iOS devices

•Administrative Controls- The meeting organizers have the permission to invite participants, view the current network, determine any interruptions in mic audio and also control the meeting participants’ availability

•Live Streaming and Video Sharing- eNlight Meet allows users to share YouTube videos in an on-going meeting. Also, the meeting can be live-streamed to the user’s YouTube channel.

•Auto-Scaling- eNlight Meet allows easy and automatically scaling of hardware resources as per the incoming workload. The meeting infrastructure scale itself to ensure the smoother running of the meeting

•Personalized Solution- eNlight Meet can be easily configured as per the organizational requirements. It can be easily integrated with an active local directory, thus, allowing authorized users to use the services. The addition of new features can further modify its scope

Addressing User Security

1.Active Directory Integrations- eNlight Meet can be easily customized to work with active directories

2.Encrypted Meetings- Meet uses hop-by-hop encryption, restricting unauthorized users from entering an in-progress meeting

3.Password Protected Meetings- Meetings running on eNlight Meet are password-protected, allowing only authorized users to join the meeting

So, why wait longer? Leverage eNlight Meet today for a secure online meeting.

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