Best free hosting
I've not used Freeservers in a while, but they let me choose between upper and lower banners or popups when I set up my site. Space was 50MB and upload limit .25 mb size. Bandwith was only 1MB but the thing is, you can upgrade. SO if you like it, you can move up to the four bucks, eight bucks, fifteen bucks or twenty-five bucks site and they have an ecommerce style site too. So I actually enjoyed my time with them.
Hello everyone,
Been busy these days??:o
Well..I do offer free hosting service, and with further upgrades which are free too. Like most free hosts, there are ads/banners.

Just PM me if you would like to have more info or have a look.Smile

Do you have a link that outlines your services? Thanks.
Well, sure ! Here they are :-
1. Basic Plan (sign-up path in there. No email for this plan due to recent spams by members)
2. Upgraded Plan (This wil have Email. No worry, it's auto upgraded once you reach 75% of basic plan usage. It's like a "quality control" on spam issues.)
3. General TOS (proxy sites are now allowed as I have upgraded server recently to handle the load.)
4. Not forgeting ...Sample Site (you can see where the ads/banner are placed. Basically they are at header & footer, with Stats Counter for my tracking to secure better rate for ads)

Hope you'll enjoy it.

PS :- Apology admin if I put a few links here. Just delete them if it is not appropriate. Thanks.
looks great, but I know many hosting provider's who offers free hosting with out banners for links, what they do to cover there costs if they didnt place any thing on the site?
So I see the bidvertiser ads on top. Is the banner on the bottom your own placement or something else?
Ah wow those are very good stats for a free host but those banners are a little too big and mis-placed for me. Sorry, I am looking more for a free host where I can place my own ads and not have other giant ads in the way. Thanks anyways though Smile
Hi everyone,
Well, the banner at the bottom is my own, it helps me to drive more members signing up for my service.

I know there are plenty of free host do provide service without ads/banners, instead they would opt for links. This could possible help to boost up their IBL to their targeted site, and they could sell ads spot for the said site. In this way, they could cover the server cost too. But of course, they could also have other strategy in lace too which I am not know of.

There are several option for free host to generate revenue. I opt for most free host practise in generatig revenue to cover the server cost.

And of course, you can put your own banners if you wanted to. It's your site isn't it?! Just refrain from use "Frame" tag in designing your site, it would caused the ads to appears weird.

Well I think you better research the hidden ways before going for this business James,
one should know every aspect for a thing before putting himself in it
Well...thanks. Working on, never stop learningBig Grin. Set to grow continuously.

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