Anyone remember Geocities?
I remember when I first started out creating websites at around 14/15 years old Geocities was the place I started. They offered free hosting with all the help you needed to get started and it was the place I learned a lot of what I know today.

Does anyone here remember Geocities? Did you ever use Geocities?
I went with 00webhost hosting when it was secure and free. Lucky I had my old email on it so it wasn't really that bad when they got hacked.
Also I used bytnet for sometime until I switched to shared hosting.
This brings back a lot of memories. I remember using geocities when I first started out. I only ever really used it to mess around and work on my skills but from that I learned a lot and I now use that to bring myself some extra cash in. It's a shame geocities went as I feel it was a great place for those to start out and learn without the costs.

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