10-31-2006, 11:56 AM
Bid on Love Across Borders Publishing domains before the holidays as an early gift to yourself and good fortune for business opportunities in the New Year! This domain is being auctioned because I want to raise a little extra money to put a few extra surprises this year under the tree for my two wonderful kids.
If you need any help with bidding please feel free to contact me directly. Most of these domains are parked with Sedo.com. I prefer to sell domains through Sedo.com because of their free escrow service.
E-Mail: loveacrossborders at gmail DOT COM
MSN Messenger: loveacrossborders at hotmail DOT COM
Yahoo Messenger: loveacrossborders
AIM: applesbliss
Cheers and "Ho Ho HO"!
- Shaun :-)
Domain AUCTIONS On eBay:
These auctions have been set for a short duration of only 3 days.
BangkokPost.info - bangkokpost.info - bangkok post info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 28th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
The Bangkok Post. Bangkok Post is the name of Thailand's largest English newspaper and classifieds.
AUCTION url: eBay: Niche Domain Name 4 THAILAND - BangkokPost.info 1 2 3 (item 260047487023 end time Nov-03-06 01:30:00 PST)
CampingTents.info - campingtents.info - Campint Tents info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Do you want to sell camping tents and outdoors products? This domain name has great keywords and would surely be successful if the site is wrapped together with useful camping information.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: Outdoors Tents - CampingTents.info 1 2 3 (item 260047495611 end time Nov-03-06 01:45:00 PST)
ChinaStock.info - chinastock.info - China stock info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
An easy to remember domain name for anyone who wants to do business in China. Lots of potential for a web site or reselling this in the future as China continues to grow.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: PRC Business - ChinaStock.info 1 2 3 (item 260047510169 end time Nov-03-06 03:00:00 PST)
dr1.info - dr1.info - doctor dir info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Know a doctor or work for a doctor's office? Want to start a directory? Wish to open a web site for the Dominican Republic? There seems to me to be a million possible uses for this short and easy to remember domain name. Most importantly, it's only THREE CHARACTERS long. Just look at what happened with the three character .com and .net domains.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: DR Doctor Three Characters - DR1.info 3 (item 260047506395 end time Nov-03-06 02:30:00 PST)
s11.info - s11.info - s11 info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Short and easy to remember domain. Most importantly, it's only THREE CHARACTERS long. Just look at what happened with the three character .com and .net domains.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: September 11th - 3 CHARACTERS â S11.info (item 260047512826 end time Nov-03-06 03:30:00 PST)
usagreencard.info - usagreencard.info - Usa greencard info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: December 4th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Perfect keywords for attracting customers to your immigration or tourism related services.
AUCTION url: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...0047514676
All 6 auctions are being started at $0.99 with no reserve!!
Complete Sites For Sale Through Sedo.com:
ShopShot.com - Shop Shot! - Your Basket of Online Shopping Info - $244 - Or Best Offer
Registered Until: January 4th, 2007 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
This is a shopping domain that I used for e-commerce for more than three years. It's been highly promoted over the last few years online. I'm selling the entire web site. Over a 1,000 hours spanning 6 months was committed to this web site for SEO and marketing online.
According to LeapFish.com this domain is appraised at $444.00, however, I've suggested a price more reasonable - LeapFish.com - Free Domain Name Appraisals + Domain Name Values
To BUY - sedo.com - The domain shopshot.com is available for purchase.
Domains For Sale Through Sedo.com:
eGenre.com - egenre.com - Genre info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: January 7th, 2007
It's short, easy to remember, and relevant to the Internet. Elsewhere on the Internet, the owner of "genre.net" is suggesting a price tag of $10,000 for that domain. The price for 'egenre.com' is a steal!
To BUY - egenre.com - Genre info. This website is for sale!
FreeMeme.com - freememe.com - xxx video info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: September 28th, 2007
"Memes" are the genes of the mind - Ideas. Originally I registered this domain to create a viral video web site similar to the likes of YouTube.com. However, I've been swamped with other projects and never really got around to making the web site...yet!
To BUY - freememe.com - xxx video info. This website is for sale!
iOwn.us - iown.us - Iown info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: July 1st, 2007
Ever wanted to "own" the US? Here is your chance!
To BUY - iown.us - Iown info. This website is for sale!
OpenContent.us - opencontent.us - Opencontent info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: September 20th, 2007
Open content is an area that will expand greatly over the next generations. The whole concept behind "open" content is that it can be shared with other people usually for free.
To BUY - opencontent.us - Opencontent info. This website is for sale!
OpenLiberal.us - openliberal.com - Software info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: September 21st, 2007
To BUY - openliberal.com - Software info. This website is for sale!
Dark-Web.info - dark-web.info - Dark web info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? The "Dark Web" is content on the Web that is not found in most search engine results, because it is stored in a database rather than on HTML pages. Estimated to be up to 80% of the web.
To BUY - dark-web.info - Dark web info. This website is for sale!
ExtraSolar.info - extrasolar.info - Extrasolar info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? ExtraSolar refers to any planets outside of our solar system. There are new planets discovered almost on a monthly basis. Lots of future potential here, especially for Science-minded people out there.
To BUY - extrasolar.info - Extrasolar info. This website is for sale!
hdStation.info - hdstation.info - webarchiv info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? High-definition radio or television station. Lots of potential here.
To BUY - hdstation.info - webarchiv info. This website is for sale!
Mag-Lev.info - mag-lev.info - mag lev info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? Mag-Lev trains are the trains of tomorrow and also today. Currently there is one mag-lev train in operation in Shanghai, China. Some countries are planning their entire future transportation systems around mag-lev trains. Not a bird or plane, just Shanghai's new Maglev, the world's fastest train
To BUY - mag-lev.info - mag lev info. This website is for sale!
Micro-Fuel-Cells.info - micro-fuel-cells.info - Micro fuel cells info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? Micro fuel cells are going to replace batteries as we currently know them as the storable and reusable energy sources for consumer electronics. Read more: 'Cool' fuel cells could revolutionize Earth's energy resources
To BUY - micro-fuel-cells.info - Micro fuel cells info. This website is for sale!
If you need any help with bidding please feel free to contact me directly. Most of these domains are parked with Sedo.com. I prefer to sell domains through Sedo.com because of their free escrow service.
E-Mail: loveacrossborders at gmail DOT COM
MSN Messenger: loveacrossborders at hotmail DOT COM
Yahoo Messenger: loveacrossborders
AIM: applesbliss
Cheers and "Ho Ho HO"!
- Shaun :-)
Domain AUCTIONS On eBay:
These auctions have been set for a short duration of only 3 days.
BangkokPost.info - bangkokpost.info - bangkok post info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 28th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
The Bangkok Post. Bangkok Post is the name of Thailand's largest English newspaper and classifieds.
AUCTION url: eBay: Niche Domain Name 4 THAILAND - BangkokPost.info 1 2 3 (item 260047487023 end time Nov-03-06 01:30:00 PST)
CampingTents.info - campingtents.info - Campint Tents info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Do you want to sell camping tents and outdoors products? This domain name has great keywords and would surely be successful if the site is wrapped together with useful camping information.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: Outdoors Tents - CampingTents.info 1 2 3 (item 260047495611 end time Nov-03-06 01:45:00 PST)
ChinaStock.info - chinastock.info - China stock info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
An easy to remember domain name for anyone who wants to do business in China. Lots of potential for a web site or reselling this in the future as China continues to grow.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: PRC Business - ChinaStock.info 1 2 3 (item 260047510169 end time Nov-03-06 03:00:00 PST)
dr1.info - dr1.info - doctor dir info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Know a doctor or work for a doctor's office? Want to start a directory? Wish to open a web site for the Dominican Republic? There seems to me to be a million possible uses for this short and easy to remember domain name. Most importantly, it's only THREE CHARACTERS long. Just look at what happened with the three character .com and .net domains.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: DR Doctor Three Characters - DR1.info 3 (item 260047506395 end time Nov-03-06 02:30:00 PST)
s11.info - s11.info - s11 info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: November 29th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Short and easy to remember domain. Most importantly, it's only THREE CHARACTERS long. Just look at what happened with the three character .com and .net domains.
AUCTION url: eBay: Domain Name: September 11th - 3 CHARACTERS â S11.info (item 260047512826 end time Nov-03-06 03:30:00 PST)
usagreencard.info - usagreencard.info - Usa greencard info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: December 4th, 2006 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Perfect keywords for attracting customers to your immigration or tourism related services.
AUCTION url: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...0047514676
All 6 auctions are being started at $0.99 with no reserve!!
Complete Sites For Sale Through Sedo.com:
ShopShot.com - Shop Shot! - Your Basket of Online Shopping Info - $244 - Or Best Offer
Registered Until: January 4th, 2007 - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
This is a shopping domain that I used for e-commerce for more than three years. It's been highly promoted over the last few years online. I'm selling the entire web site. Over a 1,000 hours spanning 6 months was committed to this web site for SEO and marketing online.
According to LeapFish.com this domain is appraised at $444.00, however, I've suggested a price more reasonable - LeapFish.com - Free Domain Name Appraisals + Domain Name Values
To BUY - sedo.com - The domain shopshot.com is available for purchase.
Domains For Sale Through Sedo.com:
eGenre.com - egenre.com - Genre info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: January 7th, 2007
It's short, easy to remember, and relevant to the Internet. Elsewhere on the Internet, the owner of "genre.net" is suggesting a price tag of $10,000 for that domain. The price for 'egenre.com' is a steal!
To BUY - egenre.com - Genre info. This website is for sale!
FreeMeme.com - freememe.com - xxx video info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: September 28th, 2007
"Memes" are the genes of the mind - Ideas. Originally I registered this domain to create a viral video web site similar to the likes of YouTube.com. However, I've been swamped with other projects and never really got around to making the web site...yet!
To BUY - freememe.com - xxx video info. This website is for sale!
iOwn.us - iown.us - Iown info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: July 1st, 2007
Ever wanted to "own" the US? Here is your chance!

To BUY - iown.us - Iown info. This website is for sale!
OpenContent.us - opencontent.us - Opencontent info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: September 20th, 2007
Open content is an area that will expand greatly over the next generations. The whole concept behind "open" content is that it can be shared with other people usually for free.
To BUY - opencontent.us - Opencontent info. This website is for sale!
OpenLiberal.us - openliberal.com - Software info. This website is for sale! - Registrar: GoDaddy.com with free "push" (transfer) to your GoDaddy account!
Registered Until: September 21st, 2007
To BUY - openliberal.com - Software info. This website is for sale!
Dark-Web.info - dark-web.info - Dark web info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? The "Dark Web" is content on the Web that is not found in most search engine results, because it is stored in a database rather than on HTML pages. Estimated to be up to 80% of the web.
To BUY - dark-web.info - Dark web info. This website is for sale!
ExtraSolar.info - extrasolar.info - Extrasolar info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? ExtraSolar refers to any planets outside of our solar system. There are new planets discovered almost on a monthly basis. Lots of future potential here, especially for Science-minded people out there.

To BUY - extrasolar.info - Extrasolar info. This website is for sale!
hdStation.info - hdstation.info - webarchiv info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? High-definition radio or television station. Lots of potential here.
To BUY - hdstation.info - webarchiv info. This website is for sale!
Mag-Lev.info - mag-lev.info - mag lev info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? Mag-Lev trains are the trains of tomorrow and also today. Currently there is one mag-lev train in operation in Shanghai, China. Some countries are planning their entire future transportation systems around mag-lev trains. Not a bird or plane, just Shanghai's new Maglev, the world's fastest train
To BUY - mag-lev.info - mag lev info. This website is for sale!
Micro-Fuel-Cells.info - micro-fuel-cells.info - Micro fuel cells info. This website is for sale!
Registered Until: - February 26th, 2007 - Registrar: 1and1.com
Want to invest in "next generation" technology - now? Micro fuel cells are going to replace batteries as we currently know them as the storable and reusable energy sources for consumer electronics. Read more: 'Cool' fuel cells could revolutionize Earth's energy resources
To BUY - micro-fuel-cells.info - Micro fuel cells info. This website is for sale!